Our Approach


DISCOVERY > We have an initial consultation to get a sense of your organizational context. During this initial consultation, we attempt to discover the opportunities, barriers, and developmental objectives that facilitate the achievement of your vision. At the organizational level, this phase often includes a survey and interviews.

SCOPE > We draft an initial proposal that articulates one or several options for addressing your organizational needs (e.g., a learning program, leadership team development, culture change initiative, etc.), timeline, and scope.

DESIGN > Once we’ve agreed to the scope of our work together, we design the option that we’ve agreed to.

IMPLEMENT > We facilitate or help you implement the solution that we’ve designed (e.g., deliver the workshop series, facilitate or coach your team to implement the processes created, etc.)

FOLLOW UP > We attempt to build capacity and sustainability whenever possible and create a development plan for your staff, team, or organization to continue to use after we leave.


Using the latest research from adult development on how learning works, neuroscience, culture change, and our lived experience as professionals and as humans, we offer:

Data-driven learning and development focused on *psychological safety* above all else (because who learns when they don’t feel safe?), inclusion, and belonging (because how do we change culture when things feel exclusive?). 

We work with organizations with a scale from 10-1000+, and are well-seasoned in the industry difference that make your organization unique.

We all want to feel seen, heard, and understood. So, a human-centred approach to change is at the forefront of our offerings. We take an appreciative and empowering approach to meeting our clients where they’re at, so they feel motivated to not only “come along for the ride,” but to truly engage, lead, and embody change overtime.



Because change is a constant and something we can rely on.